Employees and collaborators of the company have almost entirely university education, in many cases they have gained scientific and pedagogical titles and are graduates of recognized specialized courses that are focused on property appraisal, expert and related activities (e.g. courses organized by the Institute of Forensic Engineering of Brno University of Technology).
They are authors or co-authors of systematic standards, solve grant tasks and elaborate expert works (in many fields e.g. loss appraisement, appraisement of special machines).
Company agents and their collaborators are also university teachers and/or trainers in courses held by universities and other educational institutes for the field of their specialization.
Training of LAPA team
The knowledge improvement process of our loss adjusters and property appraisers includes regular internal trainings and studies at specialized courses that are organized by universities (e.g. Technical Engineering and Liquidation of Insured Accidents at MZLU Brno ).
Employees and collaborators that investigate loss events passed the mandatory examination - the Basic Qualification Test provided by the Act No. 38/2004 Coll., Brokers and Independent Loss Adjusters.