Participation in the Panel discussion A.F.I.L.A., Vienna February 9, 2015


Participation in the Panel discussion A.F.I.L.A., Vienna February 9, 2015

Our colleagues, Petr Mlčoch, Petr Nauš and Lenka Sikorová, participated as guests of honor on Monday, February 9th, 2015, at Hotel de France in Vienna, in Panel discussions for Austrian insurance companies, brokers and experts in settlement of claims, which was organized by the Austrian Federation of Independent Loss Adjusters (A.F.I.L.A.), with the participation of the president of UEDÍ (The European Federation of Loss Adjusting Experts) and other officials in claims handling.

In the panel discussion space was given to present the activities of the Czech Chamber of Independent Loss Adjusters (CCILAin the field of education of independent loss adjusters and experts in collaboration with Mendel University in BrnoThe company, LAPA SERVICE s.r.o., works closely with CCILA and Mendel University in the field of education of independent loss adjusters and experts, and this model of education attracted attention of colleagues from other European countries.

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